
How to install CheerVision TV+ on my android phone or tablet?

admin123 admin123 发表于2023-11-27 11:57:29 浏览4013 评论0


In this tutorial, you will learn how to install the CheerVision TV+ on your android phone or tablet.

Download the CheerVision TV+ APK File

1. To begin with, open https://cheervision.co/
2. Click on the "Offered Service".
3. Then, Choose "CheerVision TV+".
4. After that, Choose "Android".
5. Click on the "Download"

Install CheerVision TV+

1. Once the download is complete, locate the installation file on your device. It's most likely that you will find it in the Downloads folder of your device.


2.  Click on the file, Then in this page, click the Install button.

3. It will start the installing the APP.

4. When the installation is complete, just click Open.

Fix Unsafe App Block on Android (GMS)

  1. If it pop up this menu, when the installtion. Click on the "More Details".

  2. Then, Click on "Install Anyway".


  3. It will now start installing. 


  4. Once it done, just click on "Open". You can now use it as usual.